Doggy Daycare
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
I hereby certify that my pet is in good health and has not been ill with any communicable condition in the last 10 days. I certify that my pet has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or dog. I recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury, illness, or death in any environment associated with numerous pets; Such risks include, without limitation: Injuries such as broken nails, sore paw pads, puncture wounds, abrasions and cuts, etc. Transfer of communicable illness (i.e. Kennel Cough, or Bordetella) Illness or death resulting from stress, altercations, rough play, or contagious illness. I understand that I am solely responsible for harm or injury caused by my pet while they are participating in Daycare at What-A-Canine ("WAC"), including injury to humans or animals. Any problems that develop with or caused by my pet will be treated as WAC staff sees fit based on their professional experience. I expressly agree to be held responsible and assume financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved. I understand and agree that in admitting my pet to WAC for Daycare, the staff relied on my representation that my pet is in good health, and has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior toward any person or dog. For safety reasons, I understand that if my dog displays aggressive behavior, they will be confined to an enclosure for the remainder of their stay at Daycare and not allowed to return for future sessions. I understand and agree that WAC and their staff will use reasonable precautions against injury, illness, escape, or death of pets. What-A-Canine will not be held liable for any problems that develop, and I hereby release them of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my pet’s attendance and participation in Daycare. I hereby waive and release WAC and its staff from all liability for any injury to myself resulting from the action of any dog (including my own). WAC may use pictures of my pet for publicity or promotional purposes without liability or obligation of any kind to me. I certify that I have made full disclosure and read and understand the policies of What-A-Canine’s Daycare as set forth in Daycare Policies and that I have read and understand the conditions and statements of this agreement. I also accept the risks associated with Daycare and affirm the terms of this agreement each time my pet(s) enter What-A-Canine for Daycare activities.
Contact Details
619 Kirby Road, Seabrook, TX, USA